Sedation Dentistry 

oral sedation
Sedation Dentistry: Oral Sedation or Nitrous Oxide

Patients who are more anxious may need an oral medication that is stronger than nitrous oxide. With oral sedation, the patient may be sleepy but can be aroused if necessary and can respond to simple commands.

Minor side effects such as nausea or vomiting can occur with some medications. Before a visit in which a patient is to receive oral sedation, he/she should receive instructions about eating and drinking, what to expect and what to watch for after treatment. You may need assistance to get home after sedation. Patients may need to stay for a short observation after dental treatment has been completed.

Nitrous Oxide is available in half hour units. This service is not covered by insurance but is available to help patients by request.

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Kenneth A. Meinbach D.D.S. today!

A smile you are proud of is priceless. A 2012 study confirms that people with straight teeth are perceived as more successful, smarter and having more dates. The mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body. Allow Dr. Meinbach to be your teacher, your friend and your partner in providing you with the best dental care possible.

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